
by name in alphabetical order

PictureNameDescription (Keywords)CategoryApplication FieldLink
actiCAP slim / snapmodular electrode cap with active electrodes
(21 - 128 channels)
CapEEG / ERP, BCI, mobile EEG, EEG & Video, EEG & fNIRSmore information
actiCAP Xpress TwistactiCAP Xpress Twistmodular electrode cap with active dry electrodes
(32 channels)
CapEEG / ERP, BCI, mobile EEGmore information
actiCHamp Plus TwistactiCHamp Plusmodular 24-bit amplifier
with 32 - 160 EEG and 8 AUX channels
Hardware, AmplifierEEG / ERP, BCI, mobile EEG, SLEEP, EEG & fNIRSmore information
BrainVision Analyzer 2Analyzer 2signal analysis software for EEG/ERP research
and a great tool for teaching EEG/ERP analysis
offline analysis
more information
BIP2AUX AdapterBIP2AUX Adapterbipolar-to-auxiliary adapter
for V-Amp and actiCHamp amplifiers
Accessorymore information
BrainAmp StandardBrainAmp Standardmodular amplifier with 32 - 256 channelsHardware, AmplifierEEG / ERP, BCI, SLEEP, EEG & Videomore information
BrainAmp DCBrainAmp DCmodular amplifier with 32 - 256 channelsHardware, AmplifierEEG / ERP, BCI, SLEEP, EEG & Video, EEG & TMS, EEG & fNIRSmore information
BrainAmp MRBrainAmp MRmodular MR usable amplifier with 32 - 128 channelsHardware, AmplifierEEG / ERP, BCI, SLEEP, EEG & fMRI, EEG & Videomore information
BrainAmp MR plusBrainAmp MR plusmodular MR usable amplifier with 32 - 128 channelsHardware, AmplifierEEG / ERP, BCI, SLEEP, EEG & fMRI, EEG & Video, EEG & TMS, EEG & fNIRSmore information
BrainAmp ExGBrainAmp ExGbipolar amplifier with 8 or 16 channelsHardware, AmplifierEEG / ERP, BCI, SLEEP, EEG & Videomore information
BrainAmp ExG MRBrainAmp ExG MRMR usable bipolar amplifier with 8 or 16 channelsHardware, AmplifierEEG / ERP, BCI, SLEEP, EEG & fMRI, EEG & Videomore information
BrainCapBrainCapelectrode cap with built-in passive electrodes
(22 - 256 channels)
CapEEG / ERP, BCI, SLEEP, EEG & Video more information
BrainCap MRBrainCap MRelectrode cap with built-in passive electrodes
for combined EEG-fMRI recordings
(32 - 128 channels)
CapEEG / ERP, BCI, SLEEP, EEG & Video, EEG & fMRI more information
BrainCap TMSBrainCap TMSelectrode cap with built-in passive electrodes
for combined EEG-TMS recordings
(32 - 256 channels)
CapEEG & TMS more information
CapTrakCapTrakelectrode localization systemAccessoryEEG / ERPmore information
EP-PreAmpEP-PreAmppre-amplifier for V-Amp and actiCHamp amplifiersAccessoryABRmore information
LabSimLabSimsignal generator to simplify troubleshootingAccessoryallmore information
LiveAmpLiveAmpwireless amplifier with 8-64 channelsHardware, AmplifierEEG / ERP, BCI, SLEEP, mobile EEGmore information
LiveAmp STESensor & Trigger Extension for LiveAmpadds sensor and trigger signals to your mobile EEG setupAccessorymobile EEGmore information
RecorderRecordersignal recording software for recordings with
BrainAmp, actiCHamp, LiveAmp and V-Amp amplifiers
more information
RecViewRecViewonline signal analysis software,
e.g. for real-time artifact removal during EEG-fMRI co-registrations
online analysis
EEG / ERP, BCI, EEG & fMRImore information
R-NetR-Netsponge-based electrode system for research applicationsCapEEG / ERP, BCI, mobile EEGmore information
R-Net MRR-Net MRsponge-based electrode system for research applications in the MR environmentCapEEG & fMRImore information
MR SensorsSensors (MR usable)sensors to measure peripheral physiological signals
in addition to EEG in the lab environment
(e.g. skin conductance - GSR - EDA, movements, respiration)
AccessoryEEG / ERP, BCI, SLEEP, mobile EEG, EEG & fNIRS, EEG & fMRImore information
SensorsSensors (non MR usable)sensors to measure peripheral physiological signals
in addition to EEG in the MR environment
(e.g. skin conductance - GSR - EDA, movements, respiration, blood pulse)
AccessoryEEG / ERP, BCI, SLEEP, mobile EEG, EEG & fNIRSmore information
SIGGI IISIGGI IIsignal generator & impedance meterAccessoryallmore information
StimTrakStimTrakadd-on for precise tracking of trigger onsetsAccessoryEEG / ERP, BCI, ABRmore information
SyncBoxSyncBoxadd-on that synchronizes the clock of the EEG amplifier with the clock driving the MRI scanner’s gradient switching systemAccessoryEEG & fMRImore information
TriggerBox PlusTriggerBox Plusadd-on to easily handle and merge triggers
from various sources
Accessorymore information
TurboLinkTurboLinkaccessing actiCHamp (Plus) data within less than 1.5 millisecondsAccessoryEEG & TMSmore information
Wireless TriggerWireless Triggerwireless recording of event markers in EEG dataAccessoryEEG / ERP, BCI, mobile EEGmore information

… further products will be added soon …